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Our Approach

5 Steps to Value Selling Success

ROI Selling makes it easy to build a better business case and close more deals with our comprehensive, 5-step value selling program. Our experience and proven approach bring objectivity to the process, producing believable results that increase internal adoption and instill customer confidence.

We begin by identifying your customers’ pain points and how your solution solves their issues. The value proposition we develop focuses on your market segment and helps prospects appreciate your offering’s benefits.

Market research provides the benchmarks and metrics needed to quantify those benefits and deliver a compelling business case.

After designing and building your tools, we help your marketing and sales teams embed value selling tools and strategies throughout the customer acquisition cycle. This includes integrating with your marketing automation and CRM platforms, and launching advanced analytics to measure performance and keep your tools fresh and up to date.



Assess your product positioning and refine your value proposition leveraging our experience across other solutions



Collect benchmark data, industry analytics, and customer proof points to validate your value proposition



Build, configure, and deploy value selling tools to highlight and quantify your value proposition



Implement the value selling methodology to increase marketing engagement and improve sales effectiveness


Reporting &

Measure your results to improve marketing and sales performance and reassess your value proposition

Ready to Move Forward?

Let’s get started putting a value selling program to work for your organization. With the right tools and strategies, your marketing team will generate stronger demand and better leads, and your sales team will improve productivity and better meet their sales goals. There’s no cost, no commitment, and no lengthy or expensive consulting process… just an exploratory conversation to see how value selling can benefit your organization.

Are you an individual sales contributor seeking a professional value calculator to boost results and exceed your quota? Consider building your own tool using Value Navigator… a cost-effective spreadsheet alternative designed by the experts at ROI Selling. Value Navigator is safe, secure, and easy to use. Harness your customer and industry insights to provide buyers with a persuasive business case and financial justification so you can close more deals.

Which value selling tool is right for your company?

Weigh your best options for achieving your sales goals.

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