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3 Keys to Effectively Highlight Your Solution’s Value

2 mins

What’s your sales strategy for 2021? The global pandemic has wreaked havoc in every business sector and will likely dominate the economy going into next year. And the upcoming presidential election is sure to add more uncertainty. What better time to build a sales strategy that delivers business value?

Tackle the Turmoil

Forbes published an article that reinforced the importance of delivering value. Buyers are in cash preservation mode and are increasing scrutiny of every deal. If sellers can’t provide adequate financial justification for a purchase, buyers will continue to sit tight and sales will continue to stagnate.

It is especially important during this pandemic to insightfully quantify buyers’ pain and recognize buyers’ challenges. Consider using this sequential three-step process to increase buyer confidence in their expected economic return and build a more persuasive and reassuring business case.

1)  Uncover the Problem

Ask buyers about their problems instead of talking about your solution. Discover what they are trying to accomplish, what’s getting in the way, and what KPIs are important to them.

2)  Quantify the Problem

Transition the discussion to estimate the size of the problem and its impact on the buyer’s business. At this stage, you’re still not selling your solution but gaining insight into the problems that your solution can solve.

3)  Justify your Offering

Only when you understand the unique scope and magnitude of your buyer’s problems can you establish your solution’s value. Perform an ROI analysis including the estimated payback period to create the financial justification for your solution.


The challenges of 2020 are a great opportunity to rebuild your sales strategies around delivering value. Buyers are always willing to invest in solutions that solve problems and save money. Improve your sales in 2021 by beginning the shift to value selling.


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