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How to Grow Your Average Selling Price
Aug 31, 2018
2 mins

The best way to increase your average selling price (and earn more commission) is to use a value selling methodology. Value selling is a proven approach to avoid or minimize price discounting and increase upselling and cross-selling, which all contribute to a higher selling price.

The Right Business Case for the Right Opportunity
May 16, 2018
3 mins

When you get right down to it, B2B deals are driven by the buyers’ desire to lower costs or grow sales. Even if they tell you they want to “mitigate risks” or “achieve compliance,” buyers still expect to achieve their desired outcome along with a positive impact to their bottom line.

Value Pricing: The Math Behind the Methods
Apr 20, 2018
4 mins

Our series on value pricing continues with a detailed look at how to set prices that benefit both you and your customers. Now that you understand the risks of other pricing models and how value pricing leverages the value your offering creates for customers to maximize earnings for your company, let’s look at one way to actually calculate the optimal price and the data you would need to populate the formula.

Sell the Problem You Solve, Not the Product You Have
Jan 11, 2018
5 mins

I had the pleasure of speaking with Mike Serulneck, an accomplished (and now happily retired) value engineer, who shared his experience using value selling methodologies to sell technology solutions, as well as his perspective on how value selling has changed over the last decade.

The Philosophy of Value Selling
Jan 4, 2018
4 mins

What can Aristotle teach us about value selling? Aristotle? Value selling? The link between one of the greatest thinkers of the Western world and value-based sales processes is stronger than you would think!

Dec 14, 2017
3 mins

Your ability to help B2B buyers understand the value you provide can make or break the sale. In some cases, as with our client IQS, that means communicating the ways in which the prospect or customer is losing money so that the buyer understands the potential of the solution.

Expand Your Business Case to Increase Success
Oct 19, 2017
3 mins

A solid business case is essential for conveying the value of your solution through its obvious and more subtle advantages. When properly prepared, a business case informs and challenges customers to consider new perspectives, and gives you an opportunity to seal the deal with speed and confidence.

Building the Business Case for Upselling and Cross-Selling
Sep 28, 2017
4 mins

Upselling and cross-selling are strategic sales processes that can increase revenue and market penetration. Once a prospect or customer is “sold” on your product, you have a unique opportunity to provide additional value with enhanced and complementary products, if you fully understand your B2B customers’ needs.

3 Avenues to a Persuasive Value Proposition
Aug 24, 2017
4 mins

A compelling value proposition is critical to sales success. It can, without a doubt, make or “brake” a sale and is often the root cause when new products or solutions fail to reach their destination. Without a clear value map or an understanding of “what’s in it for them,” prospects have little reason to invest in your offering.


End of Content.

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